Astrophotography in India - I
Astrophotography in India - I Introduction “tapasā cīyate brahma tato'nnamabhijāyate |” The above mantra from the Mundaka Upanishad (Verse 1.1.8) has been translated variously by many scholars, but in lay terms it can be read as - the Universe expanded due to the force of Brahma’s ‘ tapas ’ and then came food/matter. It is now understood, that following the Big Bang, matter in its present form was created as the universe cooled down, creating stars and solar systems and other objects that we encounter today. From our vantage point on Earth, the night sky provides a window to the common man to peer back into time and observe the majestic creations that lie strewn across the ever-expanding emptiness of space. Photons emerging from these majestic celestial objects, travel vast distances to reach our dear planet and illuminate our minds. My love for science and technology was kindled by the soft light of the stars on which I could gaze for hours as a child...