Jugaadism – An Infantile Disorder

Jugaadism – An Infantile Disorder

Neils Bohr once said that prediction is difficult, especially if it is about the future. Yet, engineers, generals, planners and ruling classes are expected to predicate their actions based on calculated expectations of the future. Jugaad hinders this process in many ways and threatens to make our society a collective myopic failure. It should not be admired and we must not descend into the culture of jugaadism1. Like many seductive, but ultimately disastrous, isms of the last century it needs to be buried into an unmarked grave.

Jugaad is a neologism arising from the indic ‘to gather’. When the bar is set low, even gathering ingredients is fait accompli. In touting it as a laudable achievement, we not only hold ourselves back from the final finished product but, more dangerously, the very process of seeking the solution. It is the seeking, the manthan (मंथन; churning), that is the backbone of irreversible positive development in a successful society. The manthan is painstaking; it requires patience, perseverance and meticulous scaffolds of rigor and evaluation. And with manthan comes both the nectar of success and the poison of frustrating failures. Both intricately connected to each other. The proverbial Rome is not built in a day. It is built in the night of silent reflections, the darkness of failures, and enveloped by the frigidness of self-doubt. Jugaad short circuits the seeking process with its piecemeal gathering approach and its celebration spreads the contagion. If jugaad is bad, its glorification is lethal.

A jugaadist2 culture fosters a ‘bad lifestyle’. It effectively precludes in-depth problem solving which includes analysis, dispassionate debates and the multi-angle investigation of its origins. In the jugaadist framework, every problem is a unique obstacle to be overcome through clever tactics. However, for a country as vast and complex as India, this obstacle course invariably turns to bitterness, fatalism and an endless cycle of cynical arguments as the final complexity proves insurmountable. In this jugaad-game the odds in the long run are never in favor.

Take air pollution for an example. A modern bane of Indian cities where the very by-products of economic expansion are slowly (or some would say rapidly) choking us to death. Yet we seem helpless to tackle it. At the heart of air pollution lies a complex technological challenge involving multiple disciplines of sciences and engineering. However, typical debates in public discussions betray a jugaadist mindset.  Identify a visible villain such as vehicles and then ban them on certain integer days or firecrackers, which apparently needs to be banned completely on Diwali.

This banning response has all the hallmarks of jugaad. It identifies the urgency of the problem, looks at various obvious sources that can be controlled, and then stops at the most immediate solution. Just like any other jugaadist solution, the law of unintended consequence kicks in on the common people. The remedy for these painful unintended consequences is equally jugaadist –increasingly bizarre list of exceptions. Criticism of jugaadist, fragmented problem solving, is blocked by mobs of self-righteous social media warriors. They probably don’t have the patience to read a recent IIT Kanpur3 study which reveals that vehicular pollution, in even a mega-city of Delhi’s size, contributes only ~9-25% (seasonal variation accounted for) to air pollution totals.

So what else could be contributing to pollution? A casual walk through many cities will reveal widespread burning of trash. The photo below was taken in Bangalore in April 2018 and shows the smoke that results from burning of even a small pile of garbage. The acrid smell points to its deadly byproducts. Unlike firecrackers, trash burning is not a one-night affair. The immutable laws of fluid dynamics dictate that the carcinogenic by-products of trash burning would travel many kilometers from its source via convection and atmospheric currents.  The same phenomenon governs byproducts of crop burning many hundred kilometers from Delhi. The effect is so dramatic that the images are often captured by satellites4. A long time Delhi resident and scientist Dr. Anand Ranganathan added perspective when he compared the crop burning effect to entire metro area of Delhi being on fire – twelve times over!5 Similarly, wind-borne dust particles due to naked soil is yet another major factor of pollution. A thorough manthan would lead to solutions such as the study of crop cycles in northern India, garbage disposal habits and development of natural ground covers such as grasses for appropriate soils. Many of these solutions are interdependent, with feedback loops and virtuous cycles which a jugaadist solution can never identify. For instance, rather than burning crop thatch, it could be beneficially applied as mulch to cover naked soil thereby improving moisture retention as well as improve aesthetics. Similarly, agriculture research on better ground covers which can address the challenging local environment and soil conditions would go a long way in reducing wind based soil erosion. Such ground cover research has been successfully done before elsewhere. For instance, University of Florida and Texas A&M University collaborated in 1970s to produce the low maintenance Floratam variety of grass which could withstand both blistering sun and the bug prone southern USA climate6.  This has made covering vast tract of commercial and residential open ground economical, contributing to improved air quality in spite of loose sandy soils of the region. Interestingly, large amounts of air borne particles can significantly depress solar power efficiency as shown by a recent international multi-university study7 which includes IIT Gandhinagar, Duke University and the University of Wisconsin. Similarly, better ground cover can benefit ground water tables by retaining water and also preventing soil erosion into the rivers improving river water flow. Such improved water and power availability can then lead to cheaper power production8 and heavy-duty garbage processing. This is just a small example where simply going beyond jugaad can lead to a healthy public debate. There are many other instances of jugaadism derailing well-meaning measures. The application of rigorous concerted planning and research can hugely benefit jugaad infected initiatives to clean Ganga, assorted manufacturing frameworks, and ad-hoc urban infrastructure development projects.

Planned obsolescence of jugaad must begin in the top echelons of academia and industry. Corner cutting cultures and chalta hai (ok attitude) should be replaced by strong non-negotiable benchmarks and deadlines. Jugaad could be encouraged as the first step among many. Failure should not be shamed, but used as an opportunity to learn. This failing forward will prevent the triumph of jugaadism through the need to ‘save face’.  In the same vein, expectations must be set early and monitored regularly to prevent last minute panic addled jugaadism. When a complex technological feat is achieved, the solution itself should be first praised above every other metric. Especially above the price tag. For instance, celebrating Mangalyaan with memes, which compare its cost with the budget of the movie Gravity is counterproductive and misses the most important achievement of the mission –its unprecedented sustained accuracy and decades of hard work invested by ISRO scientists. In the commercial sector, TATA Nano may have overcome many important technological challenges, but the fact that its cheapness became the talking point ensures that it will perhaps be forgotten completely by the coming generations.

These adjustments will not be cheap. It is a common mistake to conflate jugaad with frugal engineering. If driven by appropriate market forces, engineered solutions always tend to produce products inexpensively with minimum resources. Thus some amount of frugality is inbuilt into the very nature of engineering and production. In fact, this ruthless cost effectiveness puts even greater premium on rigor and research. As Stanford professor Dr. Manu Prakash, inventor of the foldscope, opines9 frugal science is about finding solutions to problems that break the cost barrier - but a lot of intellectual rigor and thinking goes into finding the right solutions. Equating jugaad with frugal engineering, the type he pioneers in his lab, is frankly insulting and Dr. Prakash states clearly that he “never really liked” the word jugaad. Similar examples abound in the laboratory of Dr. George Whitesides at Harvard who invented inexpensive paper microfluidics. Most celebrated frugal innovations come from years or even decades of rigorous work and not from jugaad-based short-cuts. This is why all the above examples of frugal innovations have risen from the most distinguished labs in the world. The exacting requirements of rigor and robustness are alien to jugaad.  

We are a young republic, a growing economic power, and most importantly an aspirational society. Short term mercantile instincts should not stop us from treading the right path forward. We cannot afford to make bad habits in our youth, for they will eventually become disorders, deforming our adulthood.  Let us pledge not to degenerate into the distorted blunderland of jugaadism, but rise to honour our heritage of profound thinkers.

Notes and References:
1.We define jugaadism as a systemic philosophy of sloppy, shallow and short-cutting techniques of addressing complex problems.

2. Jugaadist (adj/n) – A person or the condition of being afflicted with pathological jugaadism.


6. Horn, Granville Clide, Albert Eugene Dudeck, and Robert William Toler. " Floratam" St. Augustinegrass: A Fast Growing New Variety for Ornamental Turf, Resistant to St. Augustine Decline and Chinch Bugs. University of Florida, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1973.

9. Paraphrased from Private email

About the authors: Dr. Ranajay Ghosh is currently an Assistant Professor at University of Central Florida, Orlando (USA). He tweets at @ranajayghosh

Dr. Aloke Kumar is currently an Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He tweets at @aalokelab

Disclaimer: The article expresses the personal opinion of the authors.

Update: This article was published with slight modifications by Swarajya Magazine. The link to that essay is here - https://swarajyamag.com/magazine/jugaadism-an-infantile-disorder


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