Pralay without Paani: Battling the water crisis in India

Pralay without Paani: Battling the water crisis in India

From the Mayan to the Mohenjo-Daro-Harappan, water has always determined the fate of great civilizations, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. A nation which fails to protect such an invaluable resource is destined to fail. In today’s age water must be considered as the single most valuable national asset and must be uncompromisingly protected. India today faces exigent circumstances wherein its fresh water sources are being depleted or, more alarmingly, falling prey to pollution. From the burning and frothing lakes of Bangalore [1-2] to the dry water basins of Chennai [3], India’s water crisis is not a mirage but a noiseless emergency!

Water is life! Sustaining India’s burgeoning population requires acceptable water quality for the entire populace at an affordable cost. The crisis is a two-pronged problem involving both quantity and quality. Increased demand through population growth and changes in rainfall patterns due to climate change will inevitably result in disproportionate distribution and availability of fresh water across the country. However, measures like water recycling, rainwater harvesting, afforestation, and minimizing loss during transport can potentially alleviate improve this problem. Unfortunately, the issue of water quality does not have the same ‘in-your-face’ urgency as something like water scarcity! The often-invisible nature of water pollution presents severe challenges for those attempting to create societal awareness about such problems. Moreover, the cumulative effects of water pollution are often overlooked or misunderstood. Such ignorance of the mortal danger posed by fresh water scarcity puts us in the same situation as the frog, who when put in a slowly heated water bath is unable to realize the imminent danger and stays in the water bath even when water starts to boil and eventually dies.

Many experts suggest that the collapse of the western Roman empire was expedited by lead poisoning [4]. Although the Romans excelled at water engineering, their prolific use of lead for water transport and wine making led to cases of neurological diseases and even death.

Modern industrialization has rendered lead as merely one of the several invisible poisons that might be lurking in your glass of water! Available data suggests that Indian fresh water systems are heavily polluted – many times that of their global counterparts. For example, pollution data vis-à-vis heavy metal concentration in sediments of the Ganga, indicate alarmingly high levels of metal content in our beloved river (see figure; Figure credit Mr. Biswajit Panda, IISc). Everyone should be worried about these results. First and foremost, for all metals, Ganga has higher levels than the world average. Carcinogens such as Cadmium (Cd) are almost 10-fold that of world-average, while lead (Pb) is a 100-fold higher concentration than that of cleaner fresh water sources. In India, unregulated industrialization, urbanization coupled with inefficient and unsustainable agricultural practices are contaminating our fresh water bodies to an extent that they will soon become unusable. The impact of pollution is omnipresent. From the surface reservoirs like rivers and lakes to deep underground water, every drop is being contaminated. A pralay [5] is coming, and in this parlay there is no drinkable and usable water.

Water for domestic and agricultural use must meet globally accepted benchmarks of purity standards. Modern India faces serious challenges in ensuring safe water for everyone. The agents of pollution are varied and complex ranging from industrial waste like petroleum products and heavy metals, to agricultural waste like pesticides and fertilizer derived nutrients.

Water pollution issues that we face today are complex, and cannot be alleviated using short-term jugaadist ideas. In this regard, some of the strategic issues revolve around the: (1) difference in residence time of contaminants, where residence time is defined as the average time the contaminant will spend in solution before being segregated in a solid phase or being broken down to a non-toxic form; (2) some contaminants are bio-accumulated, (organisms preferentially concentrate contaminants in their bodies resulting in  pollutant concentrations in the organisms that are much higher than the water in which they live. More importantly, these elements can be biomagnified, that is to say from one trophic level to the next their concentration increases); (3) how quickly the contaminant is transported without being chemically or biologically altered. In short, reaction-resistant and non-biodegradable pollutants like heavy metals and nutrients leached from fertilizers have a greater potential to impact environmental and human health for a longer duration time and must be addressed with alacrity.

Battling this gargantuan asura [6] of pollution will require herculean effort from all sectors of society with our scientific establishments playing a leading role in this modern Mahabharat. Research labs must meticulously investigate and make informed decisions regarding technologies that demonstrate potential to transition from the laboratory bench to full-scale environmental application. There are possible candidates! For example, a potentially scalable solution to environmental protection is bio-remediation, a strategy that can be utilized to mitigate a diverse range of environmental issues. Bio-remediation is an umbrella term that refers to a suite of technologies that employ “either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms to consume and break down environmental pollutants, in order to clean a polluted site”. For example, the Deepwater Horizon disaster (May 2010) resulted in the release of approximately 4-5 million barrels of oil and 1011 grams of natural gases into the Gulf of Mexico [7]. It is the largest marine accidental oil spill in human history [8]. The immediate impact of this oil spill was catastrophic to the marine and coastal ecosystems of Gulf of Mexico. However, within a few months the ecosystem was beginning to recover and in less than five years much of the ecosystem has been restored. It wasn’t magic! A small fraction of this oil spill was mitigated by direct human intervention wherein the bulk of the oil was either volatilized by photochemical reactions or was broken down by bacterial activity. Thus, nature has provided us with means to address pollution issues by applying biological tools at our disposal.

The authors’ own labs are actively involved in investigating green technologies that can be potential game changers with respect to water pollution remediation. The image below shows a bacteria (green) which is undergoing a process of slow biocalcification (Image credit: Dr. Tanushree Ghosh, University of Alberta). In this process, the bacteria leads to calcium carbonate precipitation, which can sequester carbon dioxide and even harmful pollutants from water, thus effectively removing them. While research and development will continue, there is an urgent need for policy makers to realize that environmental pollution is an acutely non-linear problem and understanding it requires sustained monitoring strongly coupled with R&D in both conventional and unconventional spheres. Pollution is a long time-scale events requiring sustained high-fidelity monitoring, where universities and other academic institutions take the lead in dispassionate research into the impact of pollution on our fresh water supply. There needs to be substantial societal awareness of this issue so that deliberate and effective policy formulations can be enacted.

Pralay sans paani [9] is upon us. To escape the disaster scientific intervention, at a scale that is too little and too late, we have to act now.

References and Notes:


6. असुर; A demon;

7. Dubinsky, E.A., Conrad, M.E., Chakraborty, R., Bill, M., Borglin, S.E., Hollibaugh, J.T., Mason, O.U., M. Piceno, Y., Reid, F.C., Stringfellow, W.T. and Tom, L.M., 2013. Succession of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental science & technology, 47(19), pp.10860-10867.

8. King, G. M., J. E. Kostka, T. C. Hazen, and P. A. Sobecky. "Microbial responses to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: from coastal wetlands to the deep sea." Annual review of marine science 7 (2015): 377-401.

9. पानी; potable water

Disclaimer: The article expresses the personal opinion of the authors.

About the authors: Dr. Sambuddha Misra is an Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He tweets at @ MisraSambuddha 

Dr. Aloke Kumar is currently an Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He tweets at @aalokelab


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